Alice Kerry

Architectural Assistant

Alice grew up in the Peak District, and her interest in architecture is driven by her love of the outdoors, always considering how we can get the benefits of the countryside in cities.

During her Part 1 degree at the University of Bath, she enjoyed working with Civil Engineering students to design retrofit projects in both London and New York and learnt a lot from designing buildings simultaneously from both viewpoints. For her dissertation project, Alice wrote a brief for a building that would help Camden residents more easily access and benefit from Adelaide Road Local Nature Reserve. Her design took inspiration from ‘edgelands’, forgotten pieces of industrial landscape, and their rich contribution to urban biodiversity. While at university, Alice also enjoyed contributing to PaperspACE magazine, a Bath-based publication by design and engineering students, exploring topics from Post-pandemic national park use to the digitally-saturated lives of students.

Outside of the studio, Alice enjoys running – which she thinks is the best way to view a city!