Better Together

Each EO Day, we, along with thousands of similar cooperative businesses, come together to raise awareness of the benefits of employee ownership (EO). But this year it has greater significance as we emerge from lockdown and start to meet and work together in the Foundry - our canalside hub. Over this period, we have tried and tested a range of remote working techniques that has allowed a more fluid approach to work, informed by the principles that EO delivers; inclusivity, resilience and sustainability. We have remained together, even when apart.

This freedom of choice, less dominated by the need for a permanent desk, has allowed us to invite established, like-minded consultancies to join us at the Foundry. This has begun to flourish, establishing a creative community of industry pioneers and enlightened thinking along similar lines to a cooperative model, opening opportunities for collaboration and engendering a togetherness of purpose.

As forces outwith our control, fracture established concepts of togetherness - from Brexit to the possible break-up of the Union - we calmly continue to build our own union of creative energy at the Foundry as we know employee ownership creates a scaffold to solve problems, weather shocks and foster innovation; it is always “Better Together!”

Amy Glover